Empowering clients and creating pathways to success through strategic education and facilitation
Trainings & Workshops
Encolor trainings and workshops equip participants with the tools, language, techniques, and curiosity to turn their learning into actionable change within their work and organization.
Our training philosophy is rooted in real-world application and diverse learning styles. Encolor workshops and trainings are not lectures—they're interactive, human-centered experiences shaped by the people and perspectives in the room or on the screen.
Encolor offers custom facilitation services to help you foster productive conversations that drive results, build consensus, and ensure all voices are heard in decision-making.
We take a people-centered approach to facilitation. Each facilitator brings their unique expertise, using our inquiry-based framework to drive productive conversations that extend beyond the meeting.
Inclusive Consulting
Encolor specializes in comprehensive strategic consulting that prioritizes the people and communities affected by your decisions. We offer:
Inclusive Program and Solution Design
People-Centered Product and Service Analysis
Strategic and Action Planning Guidance on Organizational Change Management
Culturally Competent Program Evaluation
Community-Based Research
We can also help transform your organization through:
Evaluation and Research
Framework Development
Program and Service Design
Community and Stakeholder Engagement
Intercultural Development Inventory Administration
Strategic Planning and Theories of Change
Program Theory and Logic Modeling
Custom Consulting
And more!

Encolor testimonial: